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Community Life Hub

Below are some of the programs, gatherings, and initiatives hubbed out of The Refuge. People connect with The Refuge in all different ways, so feel free to see what part(s) work for you and know you are always welcome. For up-to-date information on what's happening where and when, check out our Facebook page, Instagram, and our calendar. Email us to learn more about any of these areas of Refuge community life.


Refuge Cafe --- Currently open 10 am to 2pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday --- Free lunch, snacks, showers, WIFI, advocates, and a safe place to rest. Social worker interns, Health Care Advocates, community partners, and outdoor weather gear available. We are also a partner site for Severe Weather Activation Plan.

Single Moms Unite (SMU) --- This supportive group for single moms and their children meets at The Refuge one Saturday morning each month, and holds special events and gatherings throughout the year. Our SMU coordinator is also the single moms case manager hubbed out of The Refuge Cafe during open hours. 


Refuge Reads ---Tuesdays, Thursdays 4:30-6 p.m.--- A one-on-one tutoring and literacy program for all ages, especially kids who need help reading, writing, and spelling.


Refuge Pantry & Essential Items --- We stock a small amount of non-perishable food as well as items not covered by SNAP benefits, including essential items, toiletries, pet food, and cleaning supplies.

Broomfield Cares Mobile Outreach Team---This mobile community partnership hubbed out of The Refuge goes to our neighbors who are unhoused to offer emergency supplies and referrals to local services on days the Refuge Cafe is not open. 

Health Care Advocacy - Our team of health care advocates support relational connection and access to health care resources in the wider community. 

Refuge Rainbow: Queer Support and Socials. 1st Monday, 6:30pm - LGBTQIA+ Under 18 Group and 3rd Monday, 6:30pm, Guardian and Allies Support Alliance



Spiritual Formation Sundays - 3 Sundays a month at 5:30pm in a rhythm of a focus on Conversation, Contemplation, and a Community Dinner each month. Refuge Kids program for elementary school age.. 


Contemplation & the Arts - We host reflective experiences, workshops, art-sharing nights, and other contemplative experiences. Our small chapel is available for use whenever we are open, and spiritual directors are available as part of the North Denver Soul Care Network.

Prayer Circle - A small, committed group of folks supports current and ongoing community needs in prayer. 

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House of Refuge - Every other Wednesday nights from 6-8 p.m. in west Arvada. Potluck dinner and eclectic soulful conversations.

Nature Heals - Once a month, outdoor contemplative experiences including hikes, labyrinths, Forest Church, and more. .

#Dogchurch - Periodic get-togethers for dogs and their owners at various dog parks in the area. Kids welcome!

Summer Camp - For summer, our Sunday night experiences are in a special workshop format around a specific theme and include dinner, community-building, practical skills, social justice and transformation. Childcare for nursery-elementary.

Craft Corner Open Art Space - Once a month open art space to work on projects, craft, connect. Extra supplies provided. 


Open 12 Step Group - Open 12-Step group focused on co-dependency and addictions every other Tuesday from 9-10 a.m. 

Recovery Advocacy and Support -  We also host other groups and workshops throughout the year and have a recovery advocate who can connect people to local meetings.

Advocates Learning Lab - Skills, support, and sustainability for people who journey with others in hard places through a trauma-informed lens. Meets on first and third Tuesdays each month from 8-9:30am MST on ZOOM. Includes guest speakers, as well as hands-on experiences and soul care.


12 Steps for Anti-Racism Work - 1st and 3rd Mondays on ZOOM, 6:30 pm MST. This group is centered around modified 12 Steps for racism recovery and transformation that leads to action.


Learning Parties and Workshops - Throughout the year, we host guest speakers on important and challenging topics. 


Social Justice - We connect with local groups and events that highlight social issues and help raise awareness through our social media page.


Confluence Last Thursday of the month, 6:30-8pm at Broomfield Depot Museum, a group of local residents exploring local, Colorado and U.S. history and working toward “right relationship” between non-Native and Native people in our area and beyond. 



Refuge Kids --- Kids and youth are an integral part of all aspects of Refuge community life, including our kids program at Spiritual Formation Sunday, "Something Awesome" special events for tweens, support groups, and T3-Twenties, Tacos & Tough Topics, in addition to various special events throughout the year. 

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